Indoor potted plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding greenery, happiness, and a touch of nature to your home or office. Some potted plant varieties offer even more benefits. For example, Sansevieria potted plants help purify the air, while Jade potted plants are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. To keep all your potted plants thriving all year long, proper plant care is essential.

To ensure success in your plant parenting journey, it’s crucial to avoid common plant care mistakes. We consulted our HortyGirl potted plant expert for the most common plant care mistakes and what to do instead. Keep reading to learn more.

Underwatering or overwatering is a plant care mistake from the Common Plant Care Mistakes blog

Common Plant Care Mistakes To Avoid

1. Overwatering Plant Care Mistake

Overwatering your potted plants is one of the most common mistakes in plant care. Many plant parents think they are nurturing their plants with water and end up giving them too much water. This can lead to root rot and a lack of oxygen in the soil, ultimately harming the plant.

To avoid overwatering, it’s important to understand your potted plant’s specific watering requirements. Regularly check the soil moisture with a bamboo or wood skewer and adjust the watering schedule based on the soil moisture.

Additionally, it’s best to ensure your pot has proper drainage to prevent water from pooling at the bottom. Using a well-draining potting mix can also help maintain the right moisture levels.

2. Underwatering Plant Care Mistake

Underwatering your potted plants is another common plant care mistake, often resulting from a busy schedule or a fear of overwatering. When plants receive insufficient water, they can become dehydrated, leading to wilted, yellowing, or crispy leaves and even stunted growth.

To avoid underwatering, you’ll want to establish a consistent watering routine based on the specific watering requirements of your potted plants. Check the soil moisture regularly by using a bamboo or wood skewer and adjust the watering schedule accordingly. You can also use self-watering pots or set reminders to help you maintain a consistent watering schedule.

3. Incorrect Light Levels Plant Care Mistake

Incorrect lighting levels are a common mistake that can significantly affect the health and happiness of your potted plants. Plants placed in too much direct sunlight may suffer from leaf burn, resulting in brown and crispy edges on the leaves. While plants that receive insufficient light can become leggy, pale, and weak due to inadequate photosynthesis.

To ensure your plants receive the right amount of light, you’ll want to identify their specific light requirements first. Some potted plant varieties thrive in bright, indirect light, while others prefer low light conditions. Position your potted plants in appropriate locations based on these needs. If natural light is insufficient in your living decor, you can also consider using grow lights to supplement it.

4. Lack of Rotation Plant Care Mistake

Lack of rotation is another common plant care mistake that can lead to uneven growth and poor overall health. When a plant is not rotated, the side of the plant facing the light will grow more vigorously, while the shaded side of the plant may become weak and sparse. This imbalance can cause the plant to lean towards the light and develop an uneven appearance.

To ensure even growth, it’s a good idea to rotate your potted plants every few weeks, so all sides receive equal light exposure. This practice helps maintain a symmetrical shape and promotes uniform health.

5. Over-Fertilizing Plant Care Mistake

Over-fertilizing is also a common plant care mistake that can harm plants rather than help them thrive. Excessive fertilizer can burn the roots, disrupt nutrient balance, and even lead to toxic build-up in the soil. Signs of over-fertilization include wilting, yellowing leaves or stunted growth.

When fertilizing your potted plants during the growth period, it’s essential to follow a balanced schedule based on your plant’s specific needs. Use a fertilizer formulated for your plant type and dilute it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, it’s better to under-fertilize slightly than to overdo it. As always, it’s a good idea to monitor your potted plants for signs of nutrient deficiency or excess and adjust the fertilizing routine accordingly.

Not Pruning is a plant care mistake from the Common Plant Care Mistakes blog

6. Not Pruning Plant Care Mistake

If you do not prune your potted plant, it can lead to overgrowth, poor air circulation and an untidy appearance. Without regular pruning, plants may develop dead or damaged leaves and stems that can attract pests and diseases. Overcrowded foliage can also prevent sunlight from reaching all parts of the plant, leading to uneven growth and decreased overall health.

To avoid these issues, you’ll want to incorporate regular pruning into your plant care routine. Remove dead, damaged, or diseased parts, and trim back overgrown sections to encourage new growth and maintain a pleasing shape. Pruning also helps improve air circulation and light penetration, which are essential for a healthy plant.

Finishing Up

The plant parenting journey can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, resulting in beautiful potted plants that enhance your living decor year-round. By avoiding the common plant care mistakes mentioned above, you’ll ensure your potted plants stay healthy and happy, resulting in successful plant parenting.

If you’re looking for plant care requirements tailored to a specific potted plant variety, find the name of the plant on the black signature HortyGirl Living Decor tag that came with the plant then search for the plant on our plant care blog.