Zebra Haworthia or Haworthia fasciata is a succulent plant that can last a lifetime. Because of its low maintenance requirements, it is a great starter plant for your home or office or for those with a busy on-the-go lifestyle. By following our top 3 care tips for your Zebra Haworthia, you will have a beautiful plant to brighten your space for years to come.

The Zebra Haworthia has green triangular leaves, with white stripes across it, giving it that “Zebra” effect. The leaves are clustered together. The Zebra generally doesn’t grow flowers, but if the plant is grown under the perfect conditions – the plant will shoot a long thin flower spike from the center.

Succulents are not all created equally so their care can differ depending on the type of succulent. It is best to identify your succulent first to determine the type of care it requires. For Zebra Haworthia succulent plants, here are top three care tips:

Zebra Haworthia in Living Decor from the Top Care Tips For Your Zebra Haworthia

1. Watering Care

The Zebra Haworthia can survive on minimal affection. Nature has designed succulent plants like these to be able to withstand long periods without water and to be resilient to neglect. Succulents tend to store water/moisture in their fleshy leaves so this is why they require very little water.


The Zebra Haworthia only requires a small amount of water (about max 1/4 of a cup). The soil should be completely dry before you water the plant. During the summer, you should water typically every 3 weeks.  In the winter months you should change those watering habits to every few months, as there is less light absorbing the water. Basically, go easy on the watering especially during the shorter days of the year.


A simple yet affordable way to check the moisture level of your Zebra Haworthia plant is to use a bamboo or wood skewer to measure the water intake. Put a bamboo or wood skewer into the soil, or the base of the plant and wait a moment.  Pull out the stick – If it feels completely dry with no soil bits on it, it is time to water your plant!

Placing your zebra haworthia HortyGirl potted plant in bright indirect sunlight from top 3 care tips blog.

2. Light and Temperature Tips


The Zebra Haworthia likes bright indirect sunlight, but not in actual direct sunlight. Haworthia can survive without a lot of light. Give them good exposure to light for as much of the year as possible. For excellent growth, Zebra Haworthia need at least 6 hours of light daily. Southern exposure is best for these plants especially in winter.


Keep in mind that Zebra Haworthia plants tend to prefer warm summers and cool winters, but they will not survive outdoors in temperatures below 10 C degrees celsius or 50 F. They may tolerate occasional short duration temperature drops down to 5C or 40F. To be safe, keep your plants above 12C-15C or 54F-62F.

3. Inspect for Bugs

The Zebra Haworthia can sometimes have mealy bugs and other types of scale insects. Inspect your plant every so often.  If you notice these little pests, spray the plant with a soapy dishwasher mixture for 2 weeks or wipe your leaves with rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton swabs.

Finishing off

By following the top 3 care tips for your Zebra Haworthia from above – perfect sunlight, watering and attention – with time, your Zebra Haworthia plant can produce small white flowers that shoot up from the center of the plant.